Join Our Community!

Children thrive with consistency and predictability. Whether you are looking for a convenient at-home option, or a program to supplement your child's in-person gym program, Thrive's online options allow children to learn in real time and keep their bodies strong and healthy. 

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New Classes Delivered Every Week

Each week members will have a new class video dropped into their Library, which they can view at their convenience. Our classes feature original curriculum that is customized to offer age appropriate skill building, fitness, imaginative play, games and more!

Skill Videos To Enhance Learning

In addition to classes every week, our members will receive bonus content intended to offer students the opportunity to work their skill development independently. These additional skill videos and activities will enforce the lesson plans followed during class!

Bonus Content From A Variety of Programs

Enjoy bonus content in your Library each week! Students can explore a variety of creative interests with art, music and more dropped into your Library weekly.

The Teacher's Make the Difference!

Thrive's teachers are the best in the industry. Their extensive training and teaching experience allow them to deliver exceptional instruction in person and on screen. Our teachers are thrilled to bring you a unique learning experience!

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We are a motivated group of teachers who are committed to superior instruction and innovative classes taught in a positive and structured environment.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.